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Rose Hill School, Coniston Avenue, Tunbridge Wells TN4 9SY (And other locations)

Clive and Lindsay wish you the warmest welcome to Puddle Ducks West Kent & East Sussex.

The perfect introDUCKtion to swimming, Puddle Ducks teaches children from birth to 10 years to swim independently, beautifully and confidently, and to love and respect the water.

Our classes are packed full of fun - watch as your little one develops into a confident swimmer without even realising they are learning to swim! We recognise that every child is different; our expert teachers individually tailor activities to suit your child’s ability and confidence levels. We often see children achieving their 10m award before they start school.


25% off your first booking (new customers)

Login to see promo code

25% discount for new customers on your first booking of Floaties (0-6 months) Splashers (6-15 months), Kickers (15-30 months) and Little Dippers (30 months - 5 years) classes at:

Tonbridge School Centre, Tonbridge: Mon am, Weds am and Thurs am.

- Rose Hill School, Tunbridge Wells: Mon pm, Tues pm, Weds am, Thurs pm.

- Bowles Rocks, Tunbridge Wells: Mon am, Sat am.

Seven Springs Hydro, Tunbridge Wells: Thurs am, Fri pm.

- Sir Henry Fermor Primary School, Crowborough: Sat am, Sun am

Please use our exclusive promo code when booking online and show your TN card at your first lesson. Membership must be valid for every class booking. Not valid in conjunction with other offers or promotions.

Excludes existing Puddle Duck customers.

